eCommerce Magazin

High Cost Savings through Translation and Automation Tools

Written by Cool Services Team | Jun 19, 2023 7:56:53 AM
Corona in particular has led to many changes in recent years. Many retailers and manufacturers have had to rethink. Some see expansion into previously untapped countries as a good opportunity to increase sales. A major obstacle to this is high-quality translations for website content and product descriptions. Manual translations are often expensive and time-consuming and therefore impractical. That is why many companies resort to translation tools.


Advantages and Challenges

Let's start with the challenges. Care should be taken when using translation tools as there are a few potential pitfalls. Translation tools may not capture the nuances and context of the original text. This can lead to inaccurate translations that leave out important details or convey the wrong meaning. They may introduce errors into the text, such as spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, or incorrect word usage. Translation programmes do not sufficiently take into account cultural differences that influence language use. Certain phrases or expressions that are common in one language may not translate well into another.
Among the great advantages is a faster, less expensive translation of texts, comparatively much faster than manual translation. If you have native speakers on hand, they can clean up errors or inconsistencies in the texts in a short time. This is much faster than manual translation. Some tools are based on AI and include learning processes for optimisation.
Tools with data-driven text automation can even create texts in many different languages based on product data and attributes that are perceived as natural-language. Especially in the case of similar product descriptions, translation costs can be drastically reduced in this way.


Tool Presentation


1. Google Translate

Google Translate is a free machine translation tool developed by Google that allows users to translate words, sentences, documents or even images or web pages from one language to another. With support for 133 different languages and a user-friendly interface, it has become an indispensable tool for global communication and information exchange. Google Translate excels at taking into account syntax and grammar as well as vocabulary, ensuring a useful level of accuracy in translation. Although the platform offers relatively high-quality translations overall, the quality of the output can vary depending on the complexity of the text and the language pair in question. In particular, cultural differences or nuances are not taken into account.

2. DeepL

DeepL is an innovative translation tool that uses artificial intelligence and neural networks to translate texts between languages. Unlike traditional statistical translation tools, DeepL uses a "deep learning" approach, analysing millions of texts to find the best way to translate words and phrases. With support for 29 different languages and a clear user interface, DeepL is the optimal choice for anyone who needs high-quality translations. Users also have access to synonyms and can provide feedback to further improve the system.

3. Retresco

Retresco is an innovative data-to-text solution based on state-of-the-art NLP and machine learning technologies that automatically generates text from large amounts of data. This content automation platform streamlines the content creation process, making it more efficient and scalable than ever before. Retresco's unique approach to automated content creation allows you to create high-quality product descriptions that stand out every time.

4. Simplified

Simplified is an AI writer that offers over 50 templates for various forms of text content, including press releases, product descriptions, and blog posts. With support for more than 30 different languages, this free platform is an excellent choice for anyone looking to create high-quality content quickly and easily. The Writer has a clear interface and a user-friendly design. The American origin of the tool is clearly noticeable in the writing style and is therefore somewhat gushy for German readers, for example.  


Translation tools enable faster and more efficient translation of texts into different languages and are thus an effective means of overcoming language barriers and promoting the globalisation of companies. They can also help to save costs and time and optimise workflow.
However, the use of translation tools also poses some challenges in terms of quality, context sensitivity, etc.. Companies should be aware of these challenges when selecting a tool.
By using reliable and high-quality translation tools, combined with careful planning and monitoring, companies can reap the benefits while minimising the challenges.